Friday, January 9, 2015

The Supervisor’s “Highest Priority” Series

“Give me three minutes and I’ll give you more time and less stress”

Like most supervisors, you can’t do all your duties without working excessive overtime. Prioritizing supervisory duties is essential. This video series does two things for you: 
  1.  Helps you define priority so you’re focusing on the most important things and 
  2. 2) Helps you do things right the first time.

Priority #1: Set clear employee performance expectations.

Monday, September 15, 2014

How do I manage drop-in visitors?

Do interruptions frustrate your productivity? Typically, people who work in cubicles are interrupted about six times an hour!

Ways to manage drop-in visitors: 

·         Go to their's easier to control the length of time.
·         Think ahead and try to meet outside of your office.
·         Put a sign across the entrance that reads, "Please come back at 1:00."
·         Take the visitor's chair out of your office.
·         Rearrange your furniture so your back is to the cubicle entrance.

Please note that one or two of the preceding ideas may not be appropriate in your organization.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Here's a photo of Dennis in action last night as he presented his pro bono workshop at the Legal Secretaries Incorporated Conference. Part of Dennis' talk covered having difficult conversations - specifically, using the POISE model to approach someone about a problem. 

Here's what POISE means: Before you start talking, make sure you are prepared to clearly state the following:
P - Purpose (Express your positive purpose.)
O - Observed (State your observations to minimize defensiveness; don't begin with "you".)
I - Impact (State the impact to promote problem solving; again, don't begin with "you".)
S - Situation (Ask for solutions and consider options.)
E - Evaluate (Set a date to evaluate progress.)